I want an android phone
@pawel is the switch to Windows making you want to continue exploring other platforms, or is it that the Apple integration is poor?
@ben the first part, I just feel now that there is life on the other side and I’m interested in it
@pawel thats cool!
@pawel 3…2…1… What are you going to buy?
@to3k but it’s not gonna happen next week
@mcskrzypczak @to3k I'm not that sure because I needed a new PC (or mac, just a computing device) and I really, really don't need a new phone right now (my phone is only 1 year old and works fine) but i get what you're saying!
@pawel @mcskrzypczak @to3k so you’re gonna leave a safe, juicy, apple-ish ecosystem for good?
@gramynamacu @pawel @mcskrzypczak He needs a change and likes it, so he will probably change it now and in some time he will come back
@to3k @gramynamacu @mcskrzypczak
I'm open to change; I've used Android for a couple of years, so it's not that unfamiliar to me. Two things are keeping me in the iOS ecosystem: Apple Watch and Home app.
I use the Apple Watch to track my fitness every day, and I love it. I enjoy all my watch straps, and my wife also uses an Apple Watch. It just makes so much sense to me. While I may consider trying a Garmin watch in the future (as I'm getting back into running), for now, the Apple Watch suits my needs.
Unfortunately, all my smart home devices are currently integrated into my Home app, and not all of them are compatible with a home assistant on Android. Switching to Android would mean a significant investment in new bulbs, cameras, or other devices to make them compatible with Google Home/Google Assistant.
I'm now more open to the idea of partially leaving this ecosystem, but it will take me some time to make the transition. I may gradually change a few devices to be more system-agnostic, but I can't justify making all these changes at once, especially due to financial reasons. While I used to be fine with getting a new phone every year 5-6-7 years ago, I can't justify spending 10k PLN on a computer now. That's why I opted for a more budget-friendly PC. I'm not willing to spend 5-6k on a phone again, especially when options like the Pixel 8 are more affordable at around 3.5k.
I don't foresee making these changes anytime soon, but I may take smaller steps over the next year to prepare for a potential transition in the future.
@pawel @gramynamacu @mcskrzypczak understood, I recently switch from Apple Watch to Casio G-Shock (https://blog.tomaszdunia.pl/apple-watch-casio-gshock-eng/) And for smarthome I use Home Assistant
@to3k @pawel @mcskrzypczak
I hate (really rare) that I’m all in Apple because Apple Watch is one of the ugliest watch ever imho
@pawel @to3k @mcskrzypczak
Fair enough . What about stick with AppleTV as a HomeKit control and then switch to Android phone?
@gramynamacu @to3k @mcskrzypczak I want to turn off and on lights from my phone and this won't cut
@pawel @to3k @gramynamacu @mcskrzypczak You can check Amazon Alexa as well. I noticed that it's supported by more devices than Google Assistant.
@pawel I was waiting for that :)