pawel.orzech.meMy Software EDCI saw Jack Baty talking about his Software EDC and I think this might be as interesting as defaults are. So let’s do it.
Finder - not much to say here, Arc Browser - my main, default browser for Mac, Safari - sometimes I feel like browsing “less” internet, then I go to Safari also whenever I have to pay I’m using Safari so I can pay with Apple Pay, Tor Browser - I don’t know, downloaded it, put it into the dock but I didn’t really use it, Stock Calendar app, Obsidian - because I’m now Obsidian user apparently, Drafts - I was using drafts for most of my quick notes but… Tot - but Tot actually is a bit better for that, I love it and use it everyday on my Mac and I don’t even feel like I need to get iPhone counterpart (might just get it to pay for my Mac usage), Spotify - moved from Apple Music because Wifey made me do it (also it’s so much quicker than Apple Music ever was), Pocket Casts - my podcast player of choice, Things - personal to-do app, Akiflow - worky calendar with to-do app, works great, definitely here to stay but iOS app is right now underwhelming (thankfully I’m not using my phone for work most of the time, just to do calls), Home.