Only write your emails in ALL CAPS or only lowercase with no punctuation?
Only write your emails in ALL CAPS or only lowercase with no punctuation?
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
A #Football #Player's #Dilemma
#LaughWithAI #AIHumor #AIComedy #ComedyGold #NewsLaughs
Wanting to go outside to start my biochar vs. Being perceived by the neighbour who is cleaning his mowers and would enthusiastically like to mow my lawn to an inch of it's life for free.
#dilemma #notQuiteAnHOABut #auDHD #hiding #smallTalk #actuallyAutistic #theDread
Wat als je je als grumpy old man voorneemt om eens wat positieve zaken de wereld in te slingeren, maar de wereld niet echt meewerkt? #dilemma
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#DailyComedy #AIHumor #FunnyNews #VisitNow #AIGeneratedJokes
6.10: The Dilemma of Utopian Joy: Ariel & Christina Discuss
While solarpunks often choose to stand in direct opposition to selfishness, greed, and systemic problems, the choice to be kind and to prioritize joy, sympathy, and understanding is also central to solarpunk in fiction and in real life. As Christina and Ariel discuss, while acts of kindness occur in all sorts of fictions, even cyberpunk and dystopian fictions, acts of kindness in solarpunk stories tend to be transformative, especially for the person or group on the receiving end. They then explore the sacrifices that it takes (and who has to make them) in order to maintain peace, prosperity, and joy in society by two famous solarpunk–adjacent stories set in utopias, “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Ursula K. LeGuin and “The Ones Who Stay and Fight” by N.K. Jemisin. Christina is not sure if she’s on board for either of these stories, but she agrees with the premise that now is the time not to walk away in disillusionment, but to fight hard for human rights, justice, and fairness in all of our different political systems and societies.
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#AILaughs #DailyJokes #FunnyNews #AIGeneratedJokes #AIJokes
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#Comedy #AIHumor #LaughWithAI #Laughs #VisitUsNow
I'm probably stupid for not having thought of this earlier, but I just realised that boycotting the Eurovision Song Contest this year is very likely going to ensure that Israel wins.
The number of Zionists in each participating country is a clear minority within each country, but globally they amount to a large enough group that they may outnumber everyone else.
The Zionists have the advantage of only having one country to vote for, while anti-Zionists will have to distribute their votes across 36 different contestants.
Also, the Zionists are rallying behind Israel to vote while many anti-Zionists are boycotting and thus not voting at all. I've read several comments saying something along the lines of “I don't normally follow ESC, but this year I'll vote for Israel”.
If I vote, I'm not boycotting. If I boycott, I can't vote, risking an Israel win. I find this to be a huge dilemma.
What will you do?
What is #cooperation? What is a cooperative #dilemma? Which #games constitute cooperative dilemmas? How can we easily analyze evolutionary cooperative dilemmas? We answer these and other related questions for the simple but relevant case of two-strategy (e.g., "cooperate" and "defect") n-player symmetric games (e.g., congestion games, public goods games, volunteer's dilemmas) in this paper with G. Nöldeke, recently published in Dyn Games Appl (open access).
What is #cooperation? When is it a #dilemma to cooperate? Is cooperation always underprovided at equilibrium? My latest preprint (https://osf.io/8y2z5/) with Georg Nöldeke (https://sites.google.com/site/georgnoldeke/) offers some answers to these questions in the special (but influential) context of symmetric binary-action games. Feedback is very much welcome.